My Antartic Ocean Friends and I

My Antarctic Ocean Friends and I
by: Shaffi A. Karimah

The big iceberg stood firmly like a giant fence
The calm sea water makes friend with the shards of ice
The soiled white land of snow adds to the sacredness
The sun hides himself behind the clouds
I'm still fixated in my place,
waiting for something I really look forward to

I looked from a distance
The calm sea water turned into a buzz
My eyes sparkled as if I knew what was going to happen in front of my eyes
I stepped and dipped my feet into the Antarctic Ocean
The water was so warm, I thought
Either this was real or I was being enchanted

The big one came with a song,
and waved to me like an old friend who met again
He came closer and so did I
Then we dive into the ocean together,
and met with the fat, the little, the white, and also the black-and-white
They entered my world and changed my life

They are our life saver


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