Lost By: Angelina S. Nathasya (J1A016039) (chocolynn) Laugh, fall, cry then die. No more chance to try. Laughing alot like no others day. Then the dusky clouds cover the sky. Sunless, lightless, and hopeless. "Is there any chance to go back?" "Back my way, come back for my way." The sun won't shine, the dusky clouds won't go back. No more chance, No more light, and No more dream. I have lost. I have lost my way. The serendipity walk out back to The Elysian. The stars hide from The Moon. No more chance, No more day, and No more dream. "Is there any wings for the bluish butterfly to go back to the Elysian?" cried the maiden. Nothing. Everything has gone away. No more the bluish butterflies flew around in the sky. The butterflies has gone so far away, so far till they have lost the way. No. Not them, but me. I have walked away, walked so far away. till I have lo...