The Lambs and Savannah

The Lambs and Savannah Create by: chocolynn (Angelina S. Nathasya - J1A016039) Love, Life, Laugh. Love for life, and Laugh for life. Life for life, then Laugh for laugh. "Is there any reasons?" The day passed, the time passed. Passed bring all the colours of life. Freedom, Happiness, and Chances "Where are they?" "Is the sun still smiles on the beautiful widely sky?" "Is there any star crying over to the sun? " Hardly passed with all those pain Laughing behind the smile, and smile behind the smile. What a joke! "Life for life and laugh for love?" "Is there any empty ways whether guides to the Savannah? Let the lambs have their Savannah. "Isn't it their authority to go?" Let the lambs get back to the Savannah. Let they have what they want. Let the wind blows the fresh air who brings the feelings called as freedoms. Let the butterfly creates their way, way to go home. .