This is Just the Shadow of Reality


This is Just the Shadow of Reality
(By Sandy Candra Febraska - J1A016051)

If your vision is able to see deeply within myself
You will see the real form of me
And what journey I’m in
I’m in war!
To overthrown the mysterious king..
And I always been haunted by a gargantuan creature and dragon

There I unsheathe my blade
And there I lay down beneath a tree
Tired, so very tired
But should I be the broken?
Hold on..
Or the breaker?

When you come out from that vision, here I am as the ordinary 21th century person

If you see the world through my eyes
This world is just the shadow of reality
The world inside me is the reality

No you can’t see the world inside me
WIthout getting the capability to see the world within yourself


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