Name : Rey Wastuaji
NIM : J1A01608
Name of Pen :  Silver Pen

NKRI  ( United Country Investor Republic)

On the dancing of era, all of poor citizen cried out in hunger
They are crying, groant, and whip of cried,
   Because their authority stolen by a group of elite investor

The children who should have going in the school,
Unattended under bridge become cadger and homeless

The poorness there are inculuded in many side
Then, by fast this land changes become capitalist country

You said that it is the luxurious land,
But why,you are skip your citizen die into the hunger
You said that it is country of law
But why you are changing system of law by rule of otority
Just to get provided by the investors

I though it is The United Country Indonesian Republic,
            But actually I’m wrong...
           Here not Indonesian,
 but it is The United Country Investor Republic,
because I’m not seen again my country
On that time, ever remember  and memoriable the honor of heroes
Who has ever founding this country

Law system, norm, and the rules changes by dictatority
The aspiration and sound of people are subtituted by
 Condemnation and suppression.
The heroes and founding father, that ever been life
Never been remember and not memoriable again
Because their just included in the name of street, hospital,
 and also naional university.
Equality and Right Authority of human are nothing respected again
It has been subtituted by money and domination of rich people

Welcome in the  ‘United Country Investor Republic’,
  The land, where rich people and investors are dominating all of anything
Where he rich people can be bought anything, included law system in his goverment
  And also money can be able replacing command of our God

Silver Pen, On The Parody Country 06 March 2018



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